Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Musings of the Scavenger-Symbiont or "I thought I'd be more enlightened as a Discordian Bodhisattva"

Ahhh, the best-laid plans of mice. . .how can one contemplate starting a blog for so long, and when they finally get around to creating it, find that they have writer's block?

Pretty lame, if you ask me.  Or is that politically incorrect?  Perhaps it is demeaning to paraplegics to compare a blog with no redeeming qualities to a person who is simply lacking in bipedal locomotion.   Hmmmm *contemplates a recumbent wheelchair that is powered by means of a pair of bicycle pedals mounted near the hands*.   "Lacking in bipedal locomotion?!?  Ha, just watch me!"

So yes. . .politically correct this blog is not, but then. . .who said this was a political blog anyway?  Not so much "politically incorrect" as it is "politically non-participatory".

Say "No" to the war, your rights are not being preserved by our military killing brown civilians in oil-rich mid east countries.  The West bank is another story of Europeans moving in on indigenous cultures and pushing them further out of their tribal lands.  End the Fed.

Well, so much for "politically non-participatory".  Just had to get that out of my system. . .

I find myself in the dark and cold. . .not quite far enough North to be in the Artic Circle, but closer to it than I've ever been before.  The solstice is indeed worth celebrating, but when it's cloudy, it's hard to see exactly what is being celebrated in the so-called "lengthening days" following the longest night.

Det er veldig koselig, at least when one is sitting inside near the fire.  I'm not used to having to to locate a warm space to juggle/spin/play.   "Go play outside!" doesn't work so well when it's -20c

Mira's RV is up and running again, and soon we shall venture south to warmer, brighter climates.  Hehe, just as Norwegian culture/social interaction is starting to make sense, I get to go get exposed to even more cultures/societies.

Bring it on
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